Membership Information

Welcome to the Brooklyn Tech 's Chess Team homepage. The team is a School student organization, however membership is open to anyone interested in chess: students, faculty, or staff.

Dues: None! Yep, that's right, there are no membership dues. Membership is free. All you have to do is show up.

Skill level: The experience and skill of our membership is wide-ranging. We have novice players all the way through veteran tournament players. If you've never played chess before, drop by and someone will help you learn how. If you're a grandmaster, we welcome the competition!

Meeting time and place: The club meets twice per week, on Tuesday and Thursday afterschool, at 3:00 pm in 5W24 and 5S2.

The meetings are very informal. No call to order, reading of minutes, or any other officious stuff, we pretty much get together just to play chess. The length of meetings is highly variable, and depends on how many people show up and want to play. People are free to come and go as they please.

Equipment: The club provides a number of USCF official chess sets and boards. Some members also bring standard tournament chess clocks. The clocks are only accurate to a minute or so, so if you play speed chess down to the 1/10th of a second, you'll need to bring your own clock. You may certainly bring your own chess set and board if you like, but you're welcome to use the clubs if you choose.